Duration: Jan - Mar 2022
Programs: Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Photoshop | Figma
Mission: To help users with budgeting through growing
Roles: UX/UI Designer, User Experience Research
Our Task
For this project, we were assigned to create a user experience campaign. This could range from creating an ad campaign, product displays, packaging, or in store way-finding. However, I chose to go in a different direction and create an user experience through an app.
When thinking about what to create, I thought of an issue that many individuals have: money. Whether that be poorly budgeting their money or unsure how to spend it, an app experience could help solve these problems. However, there are already apps out there that help budgeting!
Problems with Budgeting apps
From researching these various budgeting apps on the market, many of them share the same characteristics. The main issue with them all is: budgeting apps lack personality and functionality.
These apps feel the same, not far off from one another. They seem lifeless, with no relatability.

-Individuals who are getting closer to adulthood can benefit from a budgeting app
-Individuals can grow with a budgeting app similar to a bonding experience
-Individuals want an app with personality, almost like a helping friend
By creating a new budgeting app that includes more diversity, personality, and grows with users from any age, individuals can have a better time budgeting their hard earned money.
Anyone from the ages of 16 to 96 can use this app and it adjusts itself to your age, interests, and purchases.
Another pin point is being able to create a personal mentor that can be your finical assistant throughout your experience. That way, the experience is more connected.

Final Logo


App Map

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Typography & Color Palette

UX Visual Design
Login / Signup Screen

Setup Screens

Main Navigation
